

Interactive Electronics is proud to add the Tixi Range of Super Modems to is product Line.

The only one of it's kind in the world and the first in a range of intelligent Modem's, the Tixi Super Modem is an incredible technological feat in a market where many thought a modem is just another modem ......

Well Think again and check out the Tixi Super Modem!!!!

Tixi Super Modem V.90
The fast, automatic modem for every end-user. Besides high-speed surfing the intelligent Tixi Super Modem also offers a series of other functions no other modem in this price class offers.
Tixi Super Modem ISDN
Tixi Super Modem ISDN, the automatic modem for every end user. Along with high-speed surfing - like other modems - the intelligent Tixi Super Modem also offers a number of other unique automatic functions that no other modem in this price class has.